Showing posts with label The Kabir Das History. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Kabir Das History. Show all posts

Saturday, August 20, 2022

Kabir Das

Kabir Das

Kabirdas or Kabir was a 15th century Indian mystic poet and saint. He emerged as a great promoter of devotion to God in the Bhakti era of Hindi literature. His writings influenced the Bhakti movement of Hindi region to a deep level. His writings are also seen in the Adi Granth of the Sikhs.They believed in one supreme God, following Hinduism and Islam. He condemned the evils, rituals, superstitions spread in the society and also strongly criticized the social evils. During his lifetime, both Hindus and Muslims supported him a lot. A sect called Kabir Panth was devoted to his teachings. There are followers. Hazari Prasad Dwivedi called him Mastmaula.

The Life introduction Kabir Das

Kabir Das
Kabir Das

Lahartarab Birth Place 

Kabir Sahib's (circa 14th-15th century) birth place is Kashi, Uttar. Kabir Sahib was born in the year 1398 (Samvat 1455), on the full moon of Jyeshtha month at the time of Brahmamuharta. This Leela of his is celebrated by his followers as Kabir Saheb Prakat Diwas.Mahatma Kabir became commonly known as "Kabir Das" and played the role of a weaver in Banaras (Kashi, Uttar Pradesh). The real form of Kabir Sahib was unknown to all except those whom Kabir Saheb himself gave and made him aware of his real situation, including the changer of Sikhism Nanak Dev Ji (Talwandi, Punjab), Respected Dharamdas Ji (Bandhavgarh, Madhya Pradesh), Dadu Saheb Ji. (Gujarat) All these saints are like him etc. In this way he is called "smuggler" i.e. one who works in secret.

Known The Languages in Kabir Das 

The language of Kabir is Sadhukkadi and Panchmel Khichdi. Their language includes words from all the dialects of Hindi language. There is a plurality of words of Rajasthani, Haryanvi, Punjabi, Khari Boli, Awadhi, Brajbhasha. It is believed that in Ramani and Sabad, there is an abundance of Brajbhasha, whereas in Sakhi, Rajasthani and Punjabi are mixed in Khari dialect.

The masterpieces in Kabir Das

  • There are mainly six texts written by Kabir Das 

  1. Kabir Sakhi
  2. Kabir Bijak
  3. Kabir Vocabulary
  4. Kabir Dohwali:
  5. Kabir Granthavali:
  6. Kabir Sagar


  1. Kabir Sakhi:-  In this book, Kabir Saheb ji used to explain self and supreme knowledge to Surta (soul) through sakhis. 
  2. Kabir Bijak:- The speech of Kabir was collected by his disciple Dharmadas in the year 1464 under the name Bijak. 
  3. Kabir Vocabulary: In this book, mainly Kabir Saheb ji has told the soul about God through his precious words.
  4. Kabir Dohwali: This book mainly contains couplets of Kabir Das Saheb ji.
  5. Kabir Granthavali: The verses and couplets of Kabir Sahib have been included in this book.
  6. Kabir Sagar: This is a subtle Veda which contains detailed information about God.

To Religion in Kabir Das 

There used to be a gathering of sages and saints at Kabir Saheb ji. Kabir Saheb ji did the Leela of not being educated in Kali Yuga, but in reality he himself is a scholar. You can guess this from their couplets like - 'Masi kagad thuyo nahi, kalam gahi nahi haath. He also took the leela of not writing the book himself and by speaking the voice from his lotus mouth, he got the disciples to write them.The glory of Ramnaam (the real name of the Supreme God) resonates in all your thoughts. Kabir Parmeshwar believed in only one God and was vehemently opposed to rituals. Idol worship, fasting, Eid, Masjid, Temple His thought was that your salvation is not possible through these activities.

They say-

    'Harimor Piu, I am Ram's daughter-in-law', sometimes it is said, 'Hari mother's main child Tora'.     And sometimes "Grown up, what happened like the date palm tree. The bird does not have shade, it bears fruit far away "

At that time, people of both Hindu and Muslim religions considered Kabir Saheb ji as their enemy because they used to give information about God to both the religions by taking their Iktara, they used to explain that we are all children of one God. He kept his language simple and intelligible so that it could reach the common man. Kabir Saheb ji loved a peaceful life and he was a fan of virtues like non-violence, truth, virtue etc. Due to his simplicity, sage nature and saintly nature, he is being respected in foreign countries as well. Kabir saheb ji believed in only human religion.


If I meet Hari, then I worship Pahar.!

Wa te toh chaki bhali, pc khay world..!!

Kabir Maya, the sinner, sat down and left.!

Sab Jag Taun Fandai Padya, Gaya Kabira Kati ..!!

Meaning -  Of Couplets

Kabir Das ji says that this sinful Maya is sitting in the market with a noose. 

It has put a noose on many people, but Kabir has come out clean by cutting it. 

The one who puts the noose on the devotee of Hari himself gets trapped.

The Famous couplets of Kabir Das 

Couplets -

Kabir, Haad Cham Lahu Na Mere, Jaane Koi Satnam Worshiper.!

Taran taran abhay pad giver, I am Kabir imperishable..!!

Meaning - of couplets 

Kabir Sahib ji is saying in this speech that my body is not made of bone and flesh. He who has received the Satnaam and Saarnaam given by me, knows this difference of mine. I am the deliverer of salvation for all, and I am the imperishable God.

Couplets -

What I ask for, nothing will remain stable, watching the eyes go awake.! 

One lakh sons and one and a half lakh grandsons, that Ravana's lamp is not lit..!!

Meaning of couplets

If a man wants to always keep the seed of his offspring from one of his sons, then it is his mistake. For example, Ravana, the king of Lanka, had one lakh sons and 1.25 lakh grandchildren. At present, there is no one in his clan (lineage) to light a lamp in the house. All destroyed. Therefore oh man! What do you ask of God which is not permanent.

Couplets -

In the golden age, say Satsukrit, Treta Naam Munindra is mine. 

In Dwapar, he was called compassionate, in Kaliyuga he was called Kabir.

Meaning -  Of couplets

God Kabir comes in all the four Yugas. Kabir Sahib ji has told that in Satyug my name was Sat Sukrit. In Treta Yuga my name was Muninder, in Dwapar Yuga my name was Karunamay and in Kali Yuga my name is Kabir.

Couplets - 

Kabir, worship the stone, if Hari meets, then I worship Pahar.

 If the mill is good, eat the world by grinding.

Meaning - of Couplets

Kabir saheb ji explains to the Hindus that you worship any deity by making a stone idol, which is a sadhna against scripture. Which can give us nothing. Worship a better mill than their worship, so that we get flour to eat.

Couplets -

Don't ask caste of a monk, ask for knowledge. 

Buy the sword, let the sheath remain.

Meaning -  of couplets

God Kabir ji used to take a dig at the casteism spread among Hindus and said that a person should not be asked about his caste but should talk about knowledge. Because the real value is of the sword, not of the sheath.

Couplets -

The age turned the garland, but the turn of the mind did not turn. 

Put the bead of your hand, turn the bead of your mind.

Meaining - of couplets

Kabir saheb ji, through his above speech, is taking a dig at those people who swirl garlands in their hands for a long time, but their mood does not change, the movement of their mind does not calm down. Kabir ji tells such a person that by leaving this rosary of hand, divert the mind from worldly pomp and engage it in devotion.

Couplets - 

Human birth is rare, not found again and again. 

The leaves fell from the tide, do not lag behind.

Meaning - of couplets

God Kabir, while explaining the importance of human life to both Hindus and Muslims, says that it is difficult to get a human birth. This body is not found again and again. The fruit that falls down from the tree does not grow on its branch again. Similarly, after leaving the human body, human birth is not easily obtained again, and there is no option but to repent.

Couplets - 

Water bubbles, the caste of the mind. 

   One day will be hidden, as the star falls.

Meaning -  of couplets

Kabir Sahib, while advising people to do good, is telling the truth of this fleeting human body that human body is fleeting like a bubble of water. Just as the stars are hidden in the morning, similarly this body will also perish one day.

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